Ethical Professionals Party

Give ethical Democrat politicians a better choice of political party

The Democrat Party was hijacked by the DNC Cartel; the Cartel are a system of government advisors and officials that circumvent the intents of the Democrat Party.

To fight against this internal corruption/treason, the purpose is to relinquish Democrat Party liabilities and to represent the states and country with broad identifiable purpose.

“Promote that which continues to evolve the greatest diversity of sustainable life and culture; for all life.”

This fundamental principle is broadly applicable to most productive forms of reasoning, in regard to supporting the future of all life on Earth, and the planets we soon will be terraforming.

Politicians I’ve met, universally feel they are part of a failing system.  That their efforts are corrupted by the same constituents that support them.

A goal of the Ethical Professionals Party is to become self-funding.  Without the need of sponsors. To act toward getting communities to diversely work together. To scale foundations for broad deployment and development.

Example: XRP cryptocurrency is currently the defacto stable-coin used in countries. The Ethical Professionals Party non-profit affiliate (EPPinc) with memorandums of understanding is expected to be self-funding to provide continuation of ethical education and related services.  This is an educational enterprise and investment group to provide ethical political support for party members.

Teaching Professional Acumen throughout schools and businesses.  Building a diverse foundation of workforce development.

The Party creates a symbiotic network of relationships with Certification non-profits.  The Certification Non-profits existing agencies and newly developed.  Members pay monthly dues to maintain their certificates.  A small portion of these dues come to the Ethical Professionals Party to support Government Representation.

Certified Professionals actively support their Representatives.  Both fiscally and by vote.

We currently have the technology and resources to build an orbiting global weather control system (fuel-less solar shade sails maneuvering by photon pressure on deformable surfaces ).  To actively stabilize global climate instability, whether natural or man-made.  This will employ millions to cultivate ecosystems and provide diverse self-funding enterprise.  While creating diverse opportunities for development.

This same weather control system can be gradually duplicated and deployed to Venus.  Evidence indicates there was once life on Venus.  So the goal is to restore those living conditions.

Venus is extraordinarily rich in mineral resources.  The high temperatures allow for creating oxygen, water, fertilizer, and fuels while cooling the atmosphere.  Using engineered bacteria and fungi (living catalysts) to convert toxins into life supporting vegetation.

Venus becomes the largest real estate development as a method to provide purpose and economic stability for the next 1000 years.  There are carpet corporations older than this.

Venus can be cooled in less than 200 years, but creating engineered oxygen and water may take longer as catalysts work while cooling in strategic areas of mineral concentrations.

Concurrently, physics space/time manipulation is in development.  As new tools for chemical engineering, manipulating gravity, and exploiting properties of energy, power, force, momentum, inertia…become common scientific emphasis, other planets become reachable to be terraformed.

Humans have a purpose for population growth.

Most developers are extremely short-sighted.  They see a method to exploit a system of resources in competition with others, exploiting the same resources.  Their goal is generally immediate profit.  They have no concept of scalar deficiencies.  Government Regulations guide them to better support community growth and sustainability.

Developers adapt through reaction, instead of coordination.  The result is periodic recessions, sustained unemployment, lack of a substrate of professionalism, crime, useless conflict, resource exhaustion, and mafia forming within government to stifle productive creativity and make advanced developments in all communities rare.

A mafia stratifies unethical and ethical treatment of its members. Non-members have no ethical considerations except when politically advantageous.

The Ethical Professionals Party scales community interactions, and support for Representatives.


broadly and diversely support guiding communities in working together to use under-utilized local funding to promote strategic opportunities to generate additional under-utilized resources (growth).

Ethical Democrats, resign from DNC Cartel and start a new party where you are allowed to express ethical concerns and lead US Growth

“Ethical Professionals Party”……

The Democrat Party Chair is NOT even advised of major decisions forced upon the Democrats at-large.……

Kamala was unethically appointed by DNC Cartel, there was no primary

Create the public service you intended to become part of.

Federal Party Registration

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